Goals & Principles
What is the Torino process?
The purpose of the Torino process: the formation of policies in the field of vocational education and training to increase its contribution to the economic and social development of the country; analytical expert assessment on the development of vocational education in the participating countries; assistance in improving vocational education, project support, providing a base for innovative technologies, and teaching aids.
Principles of the Torino Process
The Torino process is based on the following four principles, which all these years have provided the quality, value and legitimacy of its results and monitoring decisions for participants and beneficiary parties.
Responsibility of political leaders and stakeholders of partner countries both in the process and in achieving results in accordance with the final report and the implications for political development. This includes building complementing mechanisms between the Torino Process and national policies and other relevant processes. Responsibility for the result is a key factor in ensuring the sustainable impact of the Torino process on national policy.
Interested parties
Broad participation of the relevant interest groups in the process, including parliamentary committees, political leaders, representatives of social partnerships, heads of educational institutions, teachers, local authorities, representatives of companies, academics and civil society representatives. This lays the foundation for the exchange of views and seeking consensus with local stakeholders, thereby establishing a link between the analysis of the policy of vocational education and training and the achievement of agreement on the choice of options and ways to implement them.
Concept of professional training and education
An integrated approach using a broad concept of VET (vocational education and training), covering both the youth and the adult population of a country, and a holistic approach that takes into account not only the system elements and their interconnection, but also the ability of the VET system to respond to the requirements of the socio-economic environment in which it operates.
An assessment based on evidence-based materials and knowledge that countries need to make informed decisions on policy development and monitoring progress. In some cases, when it is necessary and if the country is interested in such experience, to conduct a comparative analysis regarding the EU experience. The evidence-based approach also helps to identify and extend examples of best practices a pilot run to a system-wide implementation.
Specifics of the Torino process
The introduction of professional educational standards in order to improve the quality of vocational education based on an integrated approach, including vocational guidance, humanitarian development of students and the formation of their civic qualities
Socio-economic approach
Consideration of the goals of vocational education system in the socio-economic context which cannot be separated from broad educational approaches in institutions of professional and higher education
Systematic analysis
Conducting regular analyses of the state of vocational education and training in each country, discussing problems in a structured dialogue and developing specific recommendations
Format of the Torino process

A system of regular official (biennial) international conferences with a uniform standard of reports - mandatory for all participating countries.

Intermediate seminars, round tables, training sessions, etc.

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